Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I had my second Reiki session today.A third of the way through I felt a strange sensation across the bottom of my ribs and stomach,like a slight stretching feeling and then a light feeling.When it had ended I told the therapist and she said that is where the centre of feelings is and asked if I had recently had a decision or turmoil to think about.I told her about my results and felt totally fine afterwards about the next step.Coincidence perhaps but I definitely feel more acceptance now(not happy exactly but Ok)
Had to go the GP for a medical cert for DHSS.Cant have one without seeing doc so sat for 20 mins in a waiting area with 15 other people coughing,sneezing and complaining,which is worrying as I am supposed to stay away from any risk of infection.I cant even stand in the corridor away from others as I cant stand for more than a few minutes.Tried holding my breath but 20 mins was a bit too long!!


  1. Rose,

    I should laugh but I had a little chuckle imagining you with scuba gear on or a gas mask in the doctors surgery :-)

    Glad the Reiki was a positive for you.

    Keep it up dear friend as we cant do it without you!

    Much Love

    T xx

  2. I meant to say "I shouldn't laugh" in the last bit!

  3. Hi Rose me darlin'

    I tried a bit of Reiki after one of my chemo's. Our little hospital offer free complementary therapy to cancer patients and I thought I'd give it a bash. I thought it was the weirdest thing ever! My shoulder was a bit sore (from the cricket) and she did the reiki thing on it. No trouble with the shoulder since! It was amazing!
    Hope you're ok after your trip to cough and snotville. I HATE doctor's surgerys!

  4. I tried Reiki as one of 4 alternastive therapies i'm entitled to at The Foutain Center drop-in within St Lukes. During the session whenthe therapist cahnged hand position from head to the back of my neck there was a rool of warmth down passed my defective vocal chords and for a momnet or two I got mty voice back. A subsequent referal to an ENT consultant at Frimley Park resulted in me being told that my damaged, they didn't know why or whether it was related to 'Goliath' the tumour in my oesophagus, vocal chords were irrepairable and therewas nothing they could do for me. This week those damaged vocal chords have repaired themselves and I have my voice back albeit deeper darker and sexier than ever before. I don't know waht to make of it. Also i had 15 mins Shiatsu massage which cured 12 -15 years of symmetrical ahthritis in my shoulders after retiring from a rugby career of 35+ years. I was waiting to go on list for joint replacements at some later stage but the therapist said he couldn't undersatnd why conventional medics, and chiropractors who had relieved me of a small fortune but not relieved me of any symptoms had not realised that the simple problem to cure was muscle groups so tense and knotted around the neck and shoulders which had literally pushed the joints out of poaition and made them inoperative - frozen. he put me through hell especially on the arm the chemo is pumped through, but for 15 mins of high pain the relief is well worth it! Now going out to buy some new golf clubs but don't tell Geraldine. One old synic well and truly converet to alternative therapies especially the invasive hands on sort.

    Hope all our troubles are as readily sorted - wouldn't that be just amazing!


    David xxx

  5. Hi Rose,
    My lovely daughter in law Leanne has a (equally lovely) sister called Loretta who did a Reiki session on me recently.

    It is amazing, I felt a warmth whilst she was doing the session and afterwards felt so relaxed and comfortable. It is brilliant.

    Are you okay Rose because not seen any posts from you on the CC forum and am worried that you're feeling a little worse than you've let on to us so far?
    Let us know how you're doing xxxx
