Sunday, 5 September 2010

Christmas is coming!!

Last year I heard of an American idea (a good one unlike party bags and such) which I started last Christmas.Every year you buy a really pretty Christmas tree bauble for your child or grandchild and put it in a keepsake box so that when they have their own home they will have beautiful decorations for their own tree. My hubby Ricky and myself will be going to Stratford upon Avon in a couple of weeks and there is a Christmas decoration shop there which is open all year and sells the most beautiful decorations so will need to buy 3 this year !
Had a cyber evening of drinks with Leonie and Caroline and Sara Friday to celebrate Leonies end of treatment,how she has suffered poor thing,and Carolines disapointing lack of results .It was really good fun. Tony B and David have such a time ahead ,things must go right for them and Dizzie.Far too much pain and worry with this horrible thing affecting the nicest of people.No rhyme or reason to it all.
Hospital tomorrow to see Prof.  Wonder what he has up his sleeve this week.Scanning machine has broken down so no scan tomorrow,just chat.
Rose xxx

1 comment:

  1. Re: Christmas baubles;- I think that is such a nice idea Rose...I hadn't heard of it before...

    Hope things go well tomorrow with the magic Professor. Fill us in afterwards.
    I know you'd like to go back onto the higher strength but am sure they'll do what is right for you Rose.
    Fingers crossed that all is going well

    Much luv, Carole xxx
